Ways to Beat the Heat During Pregnancy

Here you are 7 months pregnant and it is 95 degrees outside with 90% humidity. So super fun that that your body temperature also rises about .2 degrees while you’re pregnant. It’s giving hot girl summer, like, literally. Park yourself in front of the A/C and read on to find out some ways to stay cool this summer.

Drink cold drinks.

We know. It seems so obvious. The thing is, it is super easy to get dehydrated when you are pregnant. Add in high outdoor temps and it becomes even easier. Keeping your drinks cool will make you more likely to drink more and stay hydrated. While drinking water is great, consider making some fruit-infused water for some extra flavor. You might also consider drinking cocount water to get a boost of electrolytes into your system. Another great option is to brew a bunch of red raspberry leaf tea, add a bit of sugar, and stick it into the fridge. You can have 1 cup per trimester per day so if you are in your 3rd trimester it’s a great option if you are sick of drinking water. Plus, red raspberry leaf tea helps tone your uterus to make your contractions more effective when you go into labor. Win-win!

Join a fan club.

Like, literally. Buy a ton of fans. Make your own club. For some reason those big box fans we all stuck our fingers in when we were little seem to be the best at creating a cool breeze. Even if your A/C is set on 65 there just isn’t anything like a nice breeze to help you feel more comfortable. We also like these small fans that you can clip on to your desk or even your laptop. There’s also nothing wrong with making your partner fan you with a paper fan while feeding you delicious cool treats.

Dress in cool clothes.

We don’t mean cool as in “I’m a cool mom”..we mean clothes with fabric that breathes well. Generally, fabric made from natural materials is going to be more breatheable and keep you cooler. Look for clothes made from linen, bamboo, and cotton.

Stay indoors.

Yes, this also seems obvious. But do limit your outdoor time to either early in the morning or early evening. This way you won’t be outside in the heat of the day. Early morning or evening is a great time to take a walk around the neighborhood or a local park. Just make sure there’s enough natural light that you can see your walking path.

Find a body of water.

If you do decide to venture outside, find some water you can immerse yourself in. That can be a pool, a river, an ocean, or a lake. Just make sure you aren’t swimming alone. Floating in some cool water will definitely help cool you off. Plus, floating with your pregnant belly can help you feel weightless and give you some relief for any hip and back pain.

We hope that these reminders help you beat the heat this summer. In the words of your middle school yearbook, stay cool!