Things to Try When Labor is Stalled

First, know that it is OK and sometimes perfectly normal for folks to hang out in the same place in labor for awhile. It’s also normal for you to want to get the show on the road. Here are a few things to try if your labor has stalled.

  1. Nourishment

    When was the last time you had something to eat and/or drink? Labor is a marathon and it takes a LOT of caloric energy. If you haven’t had much caloric input your body may be in a holding pattern with labor until it can get more energy. If your circumstances have you limited to clear liquids, consider drinking chicken, beef, or bone broth. A honey stick can also be a quick shot of energy to your system. If you aren’t limited to clear liquids, consider something that has some protein and carbs. Peanut butter with crackers or a fruit smoothie with protein power are good snacks that are easy on the tummy.

  2. Vibe Check

    Seriously, what are the vibes in the room? Are you feeling scared or anxious? Fear can cause labor to stall. Try to ask questions so you can get more information. Listen to a Fear Release video. Have your partner or doula read you birthing affirmations. Turn the lights down low if they are on bright… the blinds and let the sunlight in if you’ve been in the dark for several hours. Have your partner give you a foot massage or snuggle with you. Throw in a few kisses and hugs. If you get the warm and fuzzy feeling going, you can get labor going (those warm and fuzzy feelings are the love hormone, oxytocin, doing its thing…and oxytocin is what causes contractions).

  3. Nipple stimulation

    You can do this manually (either you can do it or have your partner do this). Another option is to ask for a breastpump and you can pump to see if you can get things moving. Nipple stimulation can cause contractions and that may move your labor forward.

  4. Position Changes

    If you’ve been in the bed the whole time, get up and move. If you’ve been moving nonstop since labor started, try to lay down for a bit with a pillow or peanut ball between your legs. If you can move your pelvis into different positions, you may be able to move your baby into different positions and put labor back into gear.

  5. Do You Feel Bonita?

    Because you look bonita, babe! But, if you are so tense that you cannot relax through contractions it might be time to consider some help in the form of pain medication. Ask your nurse what your options are for pain relief. Many hospitals offer IV pain meds, nitrous oxide, and epidurals for pain relief. Talk with your nurse or OB about which option might work best for you. Once you get some pain relief, you may be able to relax your muscles and labor will start to progress again.

  6. Pitocin

    Yes, Pitocin is often cast as the villain in labor stories. There are times, though, when the use of Pitocin is warrented (like, if you have tried all the above ideas and things are still in a holding pattern). You can talk to your provider about using the smallest dose possible that is effective for your labor progression. Your provider may also be willing to turn the Pitocin down or even turn it off once things get moving again.

    Again, a small plateau during labor is not uncommon and doesn’t mean anything is wrong. Sometimes baby is just working on positioning. As long as you and your baby are OK, there is no need to intervene. Sometimes, though, your provider will want to keep things moving forward for the safety of you and your baby (ie..if your water has been broken a long time and you and your baby are starting to develop a fever). Give the above things a try to get your labor to move forward.