Meal Prep Made Easy

There comes a point in adulthood when you realize that you are now responsible for feeding yourself every night for the rest of your life, and takeout gets expensive, so what this really means is you have to figure out what to eat and then cook it too. Ugh. Who allowed this to happen? If you’re pregnant or a parent, you’re probably also realizing that you have to feed these little people you created as well. Whhhyyyy???

Okay, I’ll stop being so dramatic and instead let you know that Doulas of Raleigh now offers a Meal Prep Service to take all of this stress off your plate. Pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood is challening enough without having to figure out what to cook for dinner. Let us handle that.

So How Does this Meal Prep Thing Work?

We totally get it. Feeding your family involves not just the cooking but also the mental energy of planning what to eat. When you do that week after week, it’s a lot. With our Meal Prep Service we take care of both. We will send you a menu full of delicious, varied, family-friendly dishes to choose from, including options for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You select the four dishes you would like for that week. We will then send you the ingredient list for the meals you picked and schedule the time for your Meal Prep Doula to come and work her magic. All you need to do is have the ingredients in your kitchen when she arrives. (And I mean, Instacart is a thing for a reason - so maybe you won’t even have to leave the house.)

Your Meal Prep Doula will block off four hours of time to prepare your food. Each meal is prepared family style and serves up to 5 people. She will package up each meal and include instructions so all you have to do is grab it from the fridge, heat, and eat. And when she is all done prepping, you will be left with this week's dinners and a sparkling clean kitchen to boot. Who doesn’t love that?

So When Can I Book This?

This is the beauty of our Meal Prep Service. You can book it ANYTIME! We know when it comes to labor doula support, you probably want to book that before you have your baby. And with postpartum doula support, it’s best to have a postpartum doula when you’re, you know, postpartum. But there’s no limits on who can enjoy our Meal Prep Service. 36 weeks pregnant and tired of standing in the kitchen cooking? You need a Meal Prep Doula. 3 weeks postpartum and juggling this whole caring for a newborn and a toddler thing? You need a Meal Prep Doula. Planning for your return to work after parental leave and getting overwhelmed with everything? You need a Meal Prep Doula. Just tired of having to do this whole “feed the family” routine week after week? YOU NEED A MEAL PREP DOULA!!!

Everybody can use this service. And you can book it anytime. All you need is enough turn around time to make sure the ingredients will be there and we can get your Meal Prep Doula on the calendar as soon as possible. So when Sunday rolls around and you’re dreading the whole meal prep and planning thing, remember this blog! Give us a call or send us an email and we’ll get your week started off right.

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