What Makes Our Birth Doulas Different - Stellar Birth Support

It’s World Doula Week so people are more likely to come across the role of a doula and want to learn more. One of the questions asked most often of us is “what do doulas do’? Given that this line of work is based in compassion and emotional attunement, this is sometimes hard to put into words.

So, instead we are going to tell you what our Doulas of Raleigh Labor Doulas DON”T do.

We don’t go on call for you at your 36th, 37th, or even 38th week of pregnancy. Yes, you read that right. Instead we go on call for you THE MOMENT THAT YOU HIRE US. We are then on call for you until your baby is born. Regardless of whether you hire us to be your doulas as soon as you get your positive pregnancy test or right after your 39th week OB appointment, you can count on us to be at the ready for you anytime. This includes 24-hr access to us via phone, text, or email. We realize that you may have questions about common aches and pains related to pregnancy but don’t want to go down the Google rabbit hole. You can come to us instead. We are happy to offer suggestions for comfort throughout your pregnancy. You also might need recommendations for a really great massage therapist or chiropractor. We have a great list of area professionals who are well-trained in working with pregnancy people. Of course, the biggest reason we are always on call is just in case you go in to labor at an unexpected time. While no one plans to have a baby before they are full term, sometimes a baby gets excited and wants to join the world at 36 weeks. On the other hand, some babies get really comfortable and like to hang around until you’re closer to 42 weeks. Either way, we’ve got you!

Another thing we don’t do is only assign you one doula. All of our labor clients work with a team of two labor doulas. Only one of these doulas will be with you in labor but we provide a team a two for a couple of different reasons. First, we want someone to always be available to you (remember that going on call as soon as you hire us thing?)..and, well, life happens. Your doulas are human and they may become ill or have a child of their own come down with a tummy bug. Don’t worry because then your other doula can step up to the plate of meeting your needs! Also, we have noticed that it really doesn’t matter when babies are due. They really do like to just show up whenever they want lol…..and sometimes they like to share birthday parties with other babies. So, if the doula on call is already supporting another labor client you will still have amazing support because you’ll get the other doula on your team to support you! How wonderful that you will still be met with a familiar face and calming presence who already is familiar with your needs and preferences.

We definitely don’t tell you what to do. We like to say your birth philosophy is our birth philosophy. Your Doulas of Raleigh labor doulas are trained to offer nonjudgmental support throughout your pregnancy, labor, and birth. Your labor team will meet with you and your partner at least 2 times before your due date. The purpose of these meetings is to get to know you and your preferences for labor and birth. We won’t tell you what to do but we will share with you what’s available to you at your place of birth. Then whatever you decide, we support! That means you’ll have our full support if you choose to have a planned epidural, a completely unmedicated birth, or a planned Cesarean birth. If you change your mind about something at any time, that’s ok! We will pivot with you. If you are presented with a potential intervention during your labor we will support you with any decision you make. If you need more information about what’s being presented to you we will help you gather info about potential benefits and risks and give you the space to make a decision you feel good about.

We don’t rely on information we read about on social media. While some of is great, we all know that sometimes social media doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s important to us to give you accurate, and current, information. Our labor doulas spend a lot of time learning extra skills, reading the most current research surrounding pregnancy and labor, and staying aware of the most recent guidelines from ACOG. Your labor doulas can also share that evidence-based research with you upon request.

The most important thing that we DON’T do is not offer the best labor doula support in the Triangle. Our labor doulas are some of the, if not THE, best doulas in the area. Your labor doulas will meet you where you are every step of the way. They’ll spend an hour on the phone with you when you find out you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or have an anatomy scan that shows your baby may need surgery at birth. They’ll hold your hand when you’re told the trajectory of your labor has changed. They’ll help you pull up your underwear when you’ve been laboring on the toilet. They’ll wipe your face with an icy cold washcloth when you’re hot and sweaty during labor. Your labor doula will grab a bag when you say you’re about to throw up. They’ll quietly nod their head when you are looking to them for guidance during a contraction because you’ve got this. They’ll reassure your partner that everything is OK in the middle of the night when you’re 24 hours into labor. Then they’ll tell him to go grab some coffee and get some fresh air because you won’t be alone with your doula by your side. Your labor doula will be there by your side in hour 3 of pushing and your OB says you need to have a C-section or an assisted birth with forceps or a vacuum. And of course they will be there once your new baby is placed on your chest for the first time and you give a sigh of both happiness and relief. Even after the birth your labor doulas will continue to check in on in the next few days after the birth and even come see you a couple of times during the first few weeks of your postpartum journey.

As you can see, our Doulas of Raleigh Labor Doulas don’t do a lot. But you can be sure that what they DO do is give support beyond compare. You can rest easy in the reassurance that they will walk through this pregnancy, labor, and birth journey with you with nonjudgmental support, compassionate care, and genuine concern for your physical and emotional well-being. Let our labor doulas have the privilege of supporting YOU!