Posts in Newborn
Putting the “Grand” in Grandparent

You’ve probably heard about grandparents coming to visit when the new baby is born. This can be a dream when grandparents can help new parents get rest and food. You may have also heard about some grandparents who put the baby to sleep on their stomach or add rice cereal to a bottle of formula or breastmilk. Or, telling the parents what they are doing is wrong, even if its what their pediatrician told them to do. This can be more of a nightmare for new parents who start to distrust the new grandparents in caring for the new baby. Fortunately, there are ways grandparents-to-be can prepare for this new role by learning about boundaries and up to date newborn care. Check out our recommendations in this blog.

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You're Not a Perfect Mom And Here's Why

How many times a day have you looked at your new baby, looked around your home, and crucified yourself because you are not a perfect mom? How many times a day do you beat yourself up because this new parenthood thing is SO different from how you imagined it would be? We see you. And we’ve got something we need to say to you.

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C'mon Ride the Train! Destination: Diapers for Families in Need

Did you know that 1 in 3 families have to choose between buying diapers and food? Did you know that WIC and food stamps do not cover diapers? Check out this blog on the way a Wake County program is filling the need for diapers in our community. Doulas of Raleigh is partnering with this organization to help raise awareness and increase donations. 

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And the Oscar goes to........

The red carpet is out. The celebrities are wearing their finest. Hollywood is abuzz with who will win an Oscar at tonight's Academy Awards. Check out this blog to see how we related Best Picture nominees to new motherhood.

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